1. Hongxiang Zhu*, Jiajia Zhang, Hongxia Li, Bijuan Huang, Hongmin Feng, Chang Liu, & Jiwei Si#. (2024). Independent and joint effects of perceived teacher support and math self-efficacy on math achievement in primary school: Variable-oriented and Person-oriented analyses. Learning and Individual Differences, 112, 102445. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2024.102445 (SSCI, IF=3.8)
2. Hongmin Feng*, Yanli Xu, Bijuan Huang#, Hongxia Li, & Jiwei Si#. (2024). Instability, changes, and internal structure of children's attitudes towards mathematics in primary school: A four-wave investigation. Child Development, 95(4), 1351-1366. doi:10.1111/cdev.14071( SSCI , IF=5.661)
3. Yanhao Qi*, Yuan Liu*, Bijuan Huang*, Shaowen Xie, Jia Liu, & Jiwei Si#. (2024). How important are parental career expectations? A subtle and long-term influence on adolescents' career aspirations. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 53,1091-1100. doi: 10.1007/s10964-023-01917-0 (SSCI, IF=4.9)
1. Hongxia Li*, Mingliang Zhang, Shuyang Hou, Bijuan Huang, Chang Xu, Zifeng Li, & Jiwei Si#. (2023). Examining the dynamic links among perceived teacher support, mathematics learning engagement, and dimensions of mathematics anxiety in elementary school students: A four-wave longitudinal study. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 75, 102211. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2023.102211 (SSCI, IF=10.3)
2. Yangyang Wang*, Jia Gao, Tingting Wang, Bijuan Huang, Hongmin Feng, & Jiwei Si #. (2023). The influence of semantic alignment on the performance of addition and division operation: Age-related differences. Cognitive Processing, 24, 242-252. doi:10.1007/s10339-023-01125-5 (SSCI, IF=1.7)
3. 司继伟*,#, 黄碧娟, 刘晓宇, 张明亮, & 胡冬梅. (2023). 理科女生中数学焦虑与数学表现的关系:认知反思的中介作用. 数学教育学报, 32(4), 13-20. (CSSCI扩)
4. Xuexiao Shao*, Wenwen Kong, Huanjun Liu, Bijuan Huang#, & Yongxiang Wang#. (2023). High-order brain network analysis of depression based on dynamic functional connectivity. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Istanbul, Turkiye, 2023, pp. 2579-2586. doi: 10.1109/BIBM58861.2023.10385502
1. Bijuan Huang*, Xiaoyu Liu, Yangyang Wang, & Jiwei Si*, Dawei Wang, Komal Afzal. (2022). Is the discount really favorable? The effect of numeracy on price magnitude judgement: Evidences from electroencephalography. frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 817450. doi:10.3389/fnins.2022.817450. (SCI, IF=5.152)
2. Chang Xu*, Hongxia Li*, Sabrina Di Lonardo Burr, Jiwei Si, Jo-Anne LeFevre, & Bijuan Huang. (2022). Divide and conquer: Relations among arithmetic operations and emerging knowledge of fraction notations for Chinese students in grade 4. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 217,105371. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105371 (SSCI, IF=2.547)
3. Yaru Gao*, Xiangyan Wang, Bijuan Huang, Hongxia Li, Yangyang Wang, & Jiwei Si #. (2022). How numerical surface forms affect strategy execution in subtraction? Evidence from behavioral and ERP measures. Experimental Brain Research, 240, 439-451. doi: 10.1007/s00221-021-06259-6 (SCI, IF=2.064)
4. 司继伟*,#, 郭凯玥, 赵晓萌, 张明亮, 李红霞, 黄碧娟, & 徐艳丽. (2022). 小学儿童数学焦虑的潜在类别转变及其父母教育卷入效应:3年纵向考察. 心理学报, 54(4), 355-370. (CSSCI)
5. 薛笑然*, 黄碧娟, 李红霞, 赵晓萌, & 司继伟#. (2022). 小学儿童数学态度与数学成就的纵向联系:学业拖延和数学元认知的作用. 心理发展与教育, 38(4), 520-529. (CSSCI)
6. 李杨*, 黄碧娟, 李红霞, & 司继伟#. (2022). 初一学生数学学习动机和坚持性:数学-性别刻板印象的影响. 数学教育学报, 31(1), 35-41. (CSSCI扩); 人大复印资料(初中数学教与学)2022年第四期全文转载。
1. Hongxia Li*,Aoxue Zhang, Mingliang Zhang, Bijuan Huang, Xiaomeng Zhao, Jia Gao, & Jiwei Si#. (2021). Concurrent and longitudinal associations between parent education involvement and math anxiety: The role of perceived teacher support and math learning involvement in primary children. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 66, 101984. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2021.101984 (SSCI, IF=4.277)
2. Dongxiao Guan*, Jiru Ai, Yaru Gao, Hongxia Li, Bijuan Huang, & Jiwei Si#. (2021). Non-symbolic representation is modulated by math anxiety and cognitive inhibition while symbolic representation not. Psychological Research, 85(4), 1662-1672. doi: 10.1007/s00426-020-01356-7 (SSCI, IF=2.956)
3. Xiaoyan Tian*, Bijuan Huang, Hongxia Li, Shaowen Xie, Komal Afzal, Jiwei Si #, & Dongmei Hu#. (2021). The relationship between family rearing style and career decision-making difficulties of college students: The mediating role of calling and core self-evaluation. frontiers in Psychology, 12, 661600. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.661600 (SSCI, IF=2.990)
4. 李倩*, 胡冬梅#, 黄碧娟, 吕萌萌, & 刘媛. (2021). 家庭教养方式与大学生职业决策困难的联系:有调节的中介. 青少年学刊, (02), 37-43.
1. Hongxia Li*, Xiaoteng Hua, Yalin Yang, Bijuan Huang, & Jiwei Si. (2020). How does task switching affect arithmetic strategy use in children with low mathematics achievement? Evidence from computational estimation. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 35(1), 225-240. doi: 10.1007/s10212-019-00425-9 (SSCI, IF=1.247)
2. 崔爽*, 高亚茹, 王阳阳, 黄碧娟, & 司继伟#. (2020). 非正式学习环境中幼儿的自发数量聚焦. 心理科学进展, 28(12), 2064-2075. (CSSCI)
3. 官冬晓*, 艾继如, 黄碧娟, 崔爽, & 司继伟#. (2020). 数学焦虑影响儿童的数量表征:认知抑制的调节作用. 心理发展与教育, 36(1), 10-18. 人大复印报刊资料(心理学)2020年第8期全文转载。
1. Bijuan Huang*, Xiaomeng Zhao, Hongxia Li, Weixing Yang, Shuang Cui, Yaru Gao, & Jiwei Si#. (2019). Arithmetic skill may refine the performance of individuals with high math anxiety, especially in the calculation task: An ERP study. Scientific Reports, 9, 13283. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49627-7 (SCI, IF=4.122)
2. 李红霞*, 张佳佳, 赵霞, 司继伟#,& 黄碧娟. (2019). 大学生认识论信念、自我调节学习与学业拖延的联系:有调节的中介模型. 心理发展与教育, 27(5), 557-565.
1. 张婕*, 黄碧娟, 司继伟#, & 官冬晓. (2018). 乡镇小学生的数学焦虑与数学成绩:数学自我效能感和数学元认知的链式中介作用. 心理发展与教育, 34(4), 453-460. 人大复印资料(心理学)2018年第11期全文转载。中国社会科学网2019年2月6日全文转载。http://ex.cssn.cn/jyx/jyx_jyxlx/201902/t20190201_4822282.shtml
1. 黄碧娟*, 封洪敏, 司继伟#, 张杰, & 王翔艳. (2016). 双任务协调、任务呈现方式影响成人算术策略执行:估算证据. 心理学报, 48(6), 671-683. (CSSCI)
2. 孙玉, 司继伟#, & 黄碧娟. (2016). 分数的数量表征. 心理科学进展, 24(8), 1207-1216. (CSSCI)
3. 司继伟*,#, 刘亚琼, 贾国敬, & 黄碧娟. (2016). 认知风格、中央执行负荷影响算术估算的策略选择适应性:行为与眼动证据. 苏州大学学报(教育科学版),4(1), 85-95.
1. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目“积极-消极数学态度的情绪认知神经生理机制及其预测作用”(ZR2024MC046),在研,参与;
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“儿童数学焦虑变化的个体-环境交互作用:基因-脑-行为研究”(31971010),结题,参与;
3. 山东省社会科学规划研究重点项目“青年学生职业决策困难及教育引导措施”(19BJCJ35),结题,参与;
4. 山东省博士研究生教育国际项目“The effect of arithmetic skills on price processing for individuals with different level of math anxiety: An ERP study”,结题,主持;
5. 研究生科研创新基金“算术技能影响不同数学焦虑水平个体价格判断:行为与电生理学证据” (SCX201605),结题,主持。
1. 山东省第三十六届社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(2023年,排名第4)
2. 山东省高等学校优秀研究生(2021年,排名第1)
3. 山东省研究生优秀成果一等奖(2019年,排名第1)