董天天 ,女,本硕就读于曲阜师范大学,心理学专业。博士就读于上海师范大学,心理学专业。现任职于济南大学教育与心理科学学院。研究方向为教育心理、社会认知。
1. 董天天, 王婷, 张和云, 贺雯. (2022). 元刻板印象的效价与效应相回馈吗? 心理科学进展, 30(3), 693-702. (CSSCI)
2. Dong, T., Tong,W & He, W. (2022). Effects of meta-stereotype threat on working memory: the mechanisms of emotion and core self-evaluations. Current Psychology, 1–11. (SSCI)
3. Dong, T., Sun, J., & He, W. (2023). Positive and spontaneous facial expressions convey kindness and competence personality traits: Visual reasoning in personality attribution to faces. Personality and Individual Differences, 200, 111903. (SSCI)
4. Sun, J., Dong, T., & Liu, P. (2023). Holistic processing and visual characteristics of regulated and spontaneous expressions. Journal of Vision, 0(0):08146, 1–12. (SCI)
5. He, W., Xu, L., Hu, T., Xu. Y., Dong, T., Zhao, H. Positive Valence ≠ Positive Effect: Impact of Positive Meta-Stereotypes on Cognitive Performance. The Journal of Social Psychology (SSCI)
6. 董天天, 徐璐璐, 贺雯. (2023). 积极总是好的吗?积极元刻板印象对工作记忆的影响及其机制. 心理学报, 55(8), 1344-1357. (CSSCI)